There are several key tax strategies for investment property owners that can help save money on taxes. You can use tax strategies to defer tax payments or [...]
Nearly 23 million California residents can expect to receive a payment as part of Governor Newsom’s new inflation relief package. Similar to the Golden Sta [...]
For many people, self-employment is the ultimate dream. Working for yourself provides many benefits, including flexible schedules and more control over you [...]
Online Sellers Have Less Than 30 Days to Find a Bookkeeping Alternative GoDaddy bookkeeping clients recently received a surprising notice from the web host [...]
If you meet the requirements to take a home office deduction, it might seem like a no-brainer to take it, right? Not so fast. While this deduction can cert [...]
Marketing plays a pivotal role in the success of virtually every business. In today’s digital age, a wealth of inexpensive marketing tools are easily [...]
As a small business owner, you probably have a list of things you hope never to experience, things as bankruptcy, litigation, and the dreaded IRS audit not [...]
You might be searching for a new accountant next tax season if your current one follows the trend of others in the wake of the Great Resignation. While the [...]
The IRS audits small businesses every tax year for different reasons. The audit process is simple for some companies, but other audits can be a lot more se [...]